love to introduce the latest top international allergic rhinitis therapy - High-intensity focused ultrasound technology, is a non-invasive treatment. High intensity focused ultrasound has good penetration and focusing of energy, focus groups placed lower nasal blood vessels, nerves and glands, the release of large amounts of energy in the focal point, through the focused ultrasound thermal effects, mechanical effects and cavitation effects, so that the focus of coagulation necrosis at the tissue and reduce the submucosal mac makeup vessels, nerves and glands to stimulate the allergic inflammatory response of, to control the clinical symptoms, the purpose of treatment of allergic rhinitis. Its treatment is not only non-invasive, no incision, no blood, but does not destroy the nasal mucosa of the structure, the nasal mucosa mucociliary function of the system is not damaged, with insanity workout -invasive, efficient, rapid, consolidation, compatible with five major advantage, is the world's ENT academic treatment of allergic rhinitis recognized the top, the best technology.Expanded surgical rhinoplasty nose job should rest assured that the effect of how the expanded nose job is rhinoplasty want to be mac brushes of this method is most concerned about, here we take a look at it, see expanded rhinoplasty is not worth way we choose rhinoplasty.
expanded PTFE, also known as rhinoplasty, nose job it is a porous solid material. The prostheses have porous, vascular tissue can grow into over time, it will dissolve with the human tissue as a whole, feel north face denali , soft edges, unlike the ordinary was the edge of the interface material after implantation and feel , it is not active, not reflective, and feel like the body's own cartilage, and this material can be used for Long-jaw surgery and so on. How effective
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